A few weeks back, I was interviewed for a documentary being made about $2 bills. A nice guy with a good sense of humor, John Bennardo had decided that $2 bills are interesting enough…
Kurt Koller Posts
Idea: a sort-of Knight Rider update feature that goes back to the source material (as I perceive it), My Mother The Car. I see the mother as voiced by Debi…
I went to my first Ween show in what seemed like ages. I caught the Gene Ween Band when they came through New York last time, and while that was…
Update: This is a repost of a blog entry from 2010 called “Picross 3D,” but I’ve added links to mobile apps and more. I’m looking forward to the new Picross…
The movie Ponyo had some scary parts. Ponyo and the boy Sōsuke basically get married at the end of the movie. Sometimes it has some harsh parts and fantasy violence.…
So I payed the $10 (800 Microsoft Points (is this a real currency at this point? like do they trade it in currency markets?)) to get the E4: Every Extra…
Back when I had my GBA, I really wanted the Nintendo Picross game, but it was really hard to find here in the states. I guess because of the wholly…
Posted August 9, 1994 from Newark, Delaware. From: kkoller@nyx10.cs.du.edu (captain sarcastic)Newsgroups: alt.captain.sarcastic, alt.food.dennys, alt.stupidity, alt.angst, alt.basement.graveyard, alt.music.nin, alt.music.ween, alt.slack, alt.surrealismSubject: Stabbing Westward at Denny’sDate: 9 Aug 1994 04:07:27 -0400Organization: University…